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How to cancel a HelloFresh subscription

How to cancel a HelloFresh subscription

Find out how you can cancel HelloFresh subscriptions. Or, if you’re still enjoying serving up delicious home-cooked dinners with HelloFresh, below you’ll find our latest offers available to new and current subscribers.
Find out how you can cancel HelloFresh subscriptions. Or, if you’re still enjoying serving up delicious home-cooked dinners with HelloFresh, below you’ll find our latest offers available to new and current subscribers.
Did you have a problem with your delivery?
Check out our new Delivery Check-in feature

Did you have a problem with your delivery?

Have you seen our Delivery Check-in feature? You can use it to report any issues with your recent order - from box deliveries to queries about your ingredients. It’s so easy to get in touch - you can even use it to talk to one of our agents directly, to support you to get the problem sorted. If you need answers to your queries on the spot, you can use our self-reporting tool. It’s available 24/7 and is a super easy way to get help when you need it.
<h2>Are you a new customer wanting to know how you can cancel a HelloFresh subscription?</h2>

Are you a new customer wanting to know how you can cancel a HelloFresh subscription?

We’re excited to hear that you’re considering having dinner with HelloFresh.
If you’re new to HelloFresh, you can enjoy getting up to $100 off your first four boxes. You’ll get $50 off your first box, $30 off your second box and $10 off your third and fourth boxes.
You can choose your perfect menu from a range of delicious recipes each week, and we’ll deliver just the right amount of fresh ingredients and easy-to-follow recipe cards right to your door.
<h2>Are you an existing customer wanting to cancel your HelloFresh subscription?</h2>

Are you an existing customer wanting to cancel your HelloFresh subscription?

We’re sorry to hear you want to cancel your HelloFresh subscription.
If you change your mind and want to enjoy delicious home-cooked meals again, get in touch so we can tell you about the latest offers and our new and improved menu.

Find out more about HelloFresh cancellation policy

How can I cancel a HelloFresh subscription in Australia?

It’s easy to cancel your HelloFresh subscription. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your HelloFresh account
  2. At the top of the page, click on your name and then select ‘Settings’
  3. Select the subscription you’d like to cancel from the green tabs.
  4. Select ‘Cancel my subscription’ in the bottom right hand corner.
  5. The final screen will confirm ‘Your subscription is now deactivated’, then click close to confirm.
  6. You will be sent an email confirming your subscription cancellation, keep it for future reference.

    Make sure you update your account before 11:59 PM (Sydney time) Tuesday, the week before delivery.